Cabubble App Installation

Not sure how to scan QR codes?

Open Settings → Control Centre and add Code Scanner from the "More Controls" list:

Code Scanner

Now open Control Centre and press the new icon:

Code Scanner in Control Centre

Congratulations, your iPhone can now scan QR codes.

Install Cabubble on your iPhone home screen for use when out and about.

1. Scan QR Code

Scan the code below with your iPhone to get started.

QR code for iPhone

2. Follow Instructions on iPhone

Follow the remaining instructions that appear on your iPhone.

You can now set up Cabubble directly on your iPhone, by completing the following steps.

1. Open Share Sheet

Select the Share Sheet icon in the toolbar.

Share Sheet icon

2. On Share Sheet

Select "Add to Home Screen", followed by "Add":

Share Sheet - Add to Home Screen Add to Home Screen

3. Installation Complete

You can now open Cabubble from your home screen.