Cabubble Environment and Sustainability Policy (9 Dec 2024)
As a responsible participant in the UK business and leisure travel sectors, Cabubble Limited recognises the importance of operating in a way that minimises its own environmental impact.
Our highly automated internal management systems allow us to maximise use of electronic document formats and run a paperless operation, while extensive use of video/voice conferencing minimises our own need for business travel. Where possible we employ technologies that enable efficient use of hardware and minimise electronic waste, such as cloud computing and server virtualisation.
GHG Emissions Estimates
Cabubble provides GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions estimates for all bookings to help inform relevant parties of the environmental impact of their activities in an objective and quantifiable way.
Estimates are expressed as carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents of both direct and indirect emissions. Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions include the effects of not only carbon dioxide but also methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) converted using Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors.
We believe that including both direct and indirect emissions as well as carbon dioxide equivalents of other greenhouse gases is the most thorough way of quantifying the environmental impact of travel in a convenient comparable measure.
All GHG emissions estimates shown by Cabubble are per vehicle, not per passenger, and are expressed in units of kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent. There are many factors that determine emissions caused by road travel; amongst others these include vehicle age, condition, make and model, as well as traffic and weather conditions, routes taken, vehicle occupancy and loading, speed and general driving style. Emissions estimates provided by Cabubble must therefore be treated as an approximation of all possible contributing factors, and these estimates may differ from those obtained from other sources.
To ensure the most authoritative data and up-to-date methodology are used, emissions calculations are based on 2024 UK Government GHG conversion factors formulated specifically for UK reporting. For further information, visit